
Us Korea Free Trade Agreement Template

You can also request a prejudicial referral for the HTS classification and other matters relating to your import products. www.cbp.gov/trade/rulings As alternative to the original certification, free-form certification can be used by Korean producers and exporters and U.S. importers when they invoke compliance with the Korea Free Trade Agreement. The USTR website contains various product and sector fact sheets and Q-As on agreements and we have created a website and email address for your requests: www.ustr.gov/uskoreaFTA and KORUS@ustr.eop.gov. The U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement came into force on March 15, 2012. If you are a U.S. exporter, here are resources to answer your questions about the U.S.-Korea trade agreement: – For producers who are new to the classification of imports and products, CBP has resources to help. In particular, the CBP website for the publication of compliance information contains guidelines for the classification of different products and other useful information. www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/trade/legal/informed_compliance_pubs/ – CBP has created a website and email address for information on customs procedures from Korea: www.cbp.gov/trade/free-trade-agreements/korea and fta@dhs.gov. The U.S.-Korea free trade agreement does not require a specific certificate. They may be invited by the Korean importer or customs service to provide information in support of a request for preferential treatment. For more information on what is expected to be contained, please see the certificate-of-origin free trade agreements. Please note that the Korean Customs Service does not impose a specific certificate of origin in accordance with KORUS and does not impose a form or format required for the certificate of origin.

U.S. exporters or producers should be informed that, as long as you provide the necessary elements to obtain certification, you do not need to use the korean Customs Certificate or a mandatory Korean government form, although you are free to do so. Korea FTA Text: The full text of the agreement. Any right to preferences under Korea`s free trade agreement must be supported by a certificate of origin attesting to the origin status of the imported product. This link contains a PDF model that shows how to structure such a certificate of origin. The model can be filled in and users can use it.