
Uc Irvine Tag Agreement

A TAG is a written agreement between the student, the Community College and a specific university within the University of California (UC) system, which states that if the student meets the requirements, he or she is admitted to university. The DAY helps the student understand how a day student can write a (1) day from a selection of seven (6) UCs participants. TAG conventions are university-specific and cannot be modified or replaced at another university. It is therefore important that students verify that they meet all the requirements of the school and the program concerned before filing an application for GAD. The requirements for each school are listed on the tag site. The University of California Admission Guarantee (TAG) transfer is a formal, written agreement that grants University of California students who meet and meet certain guaranteed admission requirements. If the student enters into a GAD, it is first considered to be admitted to the selected university. The student must take general education courses and general education courses agreed in the main subject of the student with a minimum AMP diploma set up to the date set in the TAG agreement. 2. Complete all remaining course and AMP requirements in your TAG agreement. A TAG is a free, quick and simple way to determine whether the student has the right to be admitted to a particular university within the UC system.

The TAG secures a seat at a selected university, provided the student meets the conditions set out in the agreement. The following majors do not have additional admission requirements that go beyond those of the Claire Trevor School of the Arts: . . . Remember: TAG applications are now due October 15, but you can only apply to a campus for one DAY. To keep your options open, you apply to other UC campuses during the regular application cycle (November 1 and 30). . 2.

Students must have a 3.30 MPA at the time of submission of the TAA to the SCU. Work with an advisor to check the TAG criteria, your right of day, and help you plan your future/course project: . Admission to the Business Administration Major will be competitive due to the limited availability of space. . Note: The School of Social Sciences also offers priorities in psychology, and the School of Biological Sciences offers a degree in neurobiology. . Visit the Transfer or Counselling Center to see if you have the right to submit a TAG UC.