
Jurnal Repurchase Agreement

The capital market is one of the economic activities aimed at accelerating development during this period, and the pension repurchase contract (i.e. the REPO) is most often favoured. Pension transactions are a kind of capital market in which the holding of shares is transferred as part of repurchase transactions. The mechanism is similar to that of farmers who do not require special guarantees. In the REPO, the person who transfers his shares agrees to buy back the shares agreed by the parties. Many parties, especially large companies, have implemented this practice to attract additional capital to develop their businesses. As the amount of transactions increases, disputes over LA REPO become more obvious, as it is no longer a matter of rePO. This is because many stock buyers decide to resell shares because of higher prices and higher profits they can get despite the REPO, as previously done. As the seller approaches the due date, he cannot prove the inventory in the business, resulting in a sequence of REPO. The growing REPO is still not in compliance with the regulations and clear legal protection, which threatens investors, particularly foreign investors, to participate in transactions. This research focuses primarily on REPO transactions. The capital market is a public financial institution that is a gathering place for capital market players active in securities trading. The trading of the securities in question is a sale and purchase of securities in the form of equity or debt securities.

On the basis of Law No. 8 of 1995 (Capital Markets Act), Article 1, paragraph 14, the capital market is an activity that refers to the public offering of securities, public companies related to issued securities, and securities-related institutions and professions. In this case, there are still many ambiguous and legal uncertainties in the area of capital markets, particularly in the context of the renu scaling operation. That is why the researcher raised the title of this thesis entitled “The problem of the buyback transaction in the Indonesian capital market”. This research is descriptive, that is, research whose character is systematically described or described by the object. The aim is to communicate the data as much as possible about the purpose of the research and then analyze it using legal theory and existing laws and regulations. The type of research is normative legal research, which means research, which studies data from legislation and literature. The research approach is a method or how to do research.

From the expression, it is clear that what is desired is information in the form of description and wants the meaning behind the material law. In accordance with the type of research that is normative of legal research (normative normative), it can be used more than one approach.